DEGAS, The Tub, pastel
I am realizing more and more every day that the relationship between knowledge of the human anatomy and skilled figure drawing or painting is incredibly crucial. You can't create a piece of work portraying a living human if you don't understand the characteristics of the body that give it life. The rib cage is one of the keys to unlocking the ability to give these figures life. Upon study a person in any position or pose you have to be able to analyze their body and how exactly they are arranging themself to achieve this. The ribcage is so crucial because it is almost the entire mass of the upper body. Learning to, in a way, x-ray the body when study it has helped me visualize exactly how certain parts create a pose and work with all the other body parts to create a drawing filled with life. In these works by Degas, he portrays the figures of women very elegantly showing ribcage's breathing life and how they taper down to a slender female waist and continue to their hips. These shots show great treatment of the ribcage forshortened as well maintaining a lively and realistic feel.